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Suite du 2me Ton - L. N. Clérambault

Quodlibet SF42569 - Herbert Bielawa

5me Symphonie - Louis Vierne

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The American Organist - The Clérambault is stylishly played… the Bielawa work… exhibits flair and color... Likewise, the difficult but musically rewarding Fifth Symphony of Vierne is well suited to the French Romantic strengths of the organ and enjoys here a grand conclusion.


The Tracker - Sandra Soderlund's program demonstrates the versatility of this...organ beginning with the Clérambault...tastefully and historically registered...The disc is worth having just for the Quodlibet SF 42569 of Herbert Bielawa…which marries the electronic sounds to those of the organ in a remarkable way...The bulk of the disc is given over to…the complete 5th Symphony of Vierne...a thoroughly satisfying performance of this seldom heard work.


The Diapason - Vierne's 5me Symphonie performed with technical prowess and a natural sense of style. Herbert Bielawa's Quodlibet SF 42569, for organ and synthesizer, is an interesting and engaging work...Soderlund turns in a positively dazzling performance.


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Suite du 2me Ton - L. N. Clérambault


Quodlibet SF42569 

Herbert Bielawa

5me Symphonie - Louis Vierne


Toccatas in G Major and D Major

Partitas Bb Major and C Minor

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Bach the Virtuoso


The American Organist - Sandra Soderlund...plays energetically, with taste, with insight, and with temperament. She has a winning disc here. Highly recommended.


Continuo - Soderlund...makes the most of the instrument in the Toccatas particularly, which boast a brilliance of sound and a forward driving momentum that effectively highlight their character as display pieces. Soderlund does a good job of delineating mood through rhythmic inflection. Overall, her always full of character and technically very secure.


American Record Guide - Soderlund, a specialist in organ and harpsichord, is a responsible and sensitive musician…The sound is particularly fine - forward but not harsh, with great clarity and definition.


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Partita I in Bb Major


Partita II in C Minor


Toccata in D Major

con discretione - Presto

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Pipe Organ Adventures


Organ Booklet

Preludes on Lobe den Herren


American Record Guide - Soderlund plays this music so that it is a joy to hear…The music is fine, the organist is fine, the organ is fine, and the technical aspect is fine. What further could one ask?

The American Organist - Soderlund plays with a secure feeling for the contemporary idiom and a solid sense of rhythm.


Available from Albany Records

Pipe Organ Adventures




Organ Booklet

For Touch

Preludes on Lobe den Herren


Listen to Excerpts

Mit ganczem willen

Conrad Paumann

Sandra Soderlund 

Performs Early Organ Music at Stanford

The Fisk-Nanney organ at Stanford University features elements from historic East German, North German, and French organs, plus dual temperaments, making it the first instrument in the history of organ building that is capable of reproducing nearly all organ music written from the 16th through the 18th centuries with the proper sounds. The music on this recording was chosen to demonstrate the capabilities of this instrument. The program includes early music from Germany, Spain, Italy, England, Holland, and France, culminating in the music of J. S. Bach. It was recorded in 1985, just after the organ was completed.


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Giles Farnaby

Quoniam tu solus

André Raison

Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ

J. S. Bach

Listen to Excerpts

Allein Gott in der Hoh sei ehr 


Sandra Soderlund 

Performs on Historic Instruments in Europe


These recordings are all from live performances in the summer of 1995. The programs were chosen to correspond with the period of each instrument and to demonstrate the various tone colors available on them.

works by:
Arnolt Schlick, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, William Byrd

Orlando Gibbons, Dieterich Buxtehude, J. S. Bach
C. P. E. Bach, Felix Mendelssohn


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Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gutig - J. S. Bach
Variation I

Sonata VI - Felix Mendelssohn

Variation IV

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